

“If you are able to formulate the question, know that the answer is already within you”

– Maharishikaa Preeti

Receive answers to your most challenging questions!

Learn how to master yourself. Learn how to empower others.

And above all, learn a process by which to tune into the Source within, to receive precise answers, and… to know… how to love.

Attend an upcoming PRESENCE Immersive…

PRESENCE is neither a course, nor is it a workshop, nor a lecture, nor a discourse, nor is it a seminar.
It is an ineffable field of powerful self transformation and self realization.

PRESENCE Immersive – Goa, Bhaarat
December 24, 2024 to January 2, 2025

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Curious about what transpires in a PRESENCE Happening?

Join a free audio Satsang with Maharishikaa Preeti.

The registration amount is INR 1416.00 (US$ 17.00)

If you can’t afford to pay, please feel free to use the coupon code. Please remember to click the Apply button after you have pasted the coupon code.

If you can afford to pay for the Audio Live, please do so. Your decision helps support Maharishikaa Preeti’s work in this world around us.

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Maharishikaa on YouTube

Video gems from PRESENCE Happenings around the world.

Maharishikaa | Transmuting sexual energy – for the 21st Century Man!

Vadim asks Maharishikaa: How do I transmute sexual energy into Love?
In a simple yet potent answer, Maharishikaa presents two safe options – either one releases the energy or one transmutes it into Love, there is no third option.

Since time immemorial transmuting sexual energy is known to bring strength and clarity, but what does this transmutation imply? What is required to make this transmutation happen? And is it something for all men to practice?

Diving deeper into the subject, Maharishikaa brings up another crucial question for modern men. In a woke world full of confused and single softies, a man must ask himself: What do I want to do with this body in this life?

Maharishikaa | Gurus, pain, enlightenment, reintegration, scandal.

A rare window into the world of a spiritual guide. Spiritual Guru Manik Reuters asks the Maharishikaa about the pain and suffering that gurus have to endure. In an epic answer of Truth, Maharishikaa speaks not only about the pain of a guru, but elucidates the little-known internal processes that take place after enlightenment, including the process of reintegration that also brings with it enormous shifts in the experience of sexuality. She gives the key to how spiritual masters can protect their community and thus themselves.

Maharishikaa | Spiritual prayer – To what should I pray? | Preeti Upanishad

Karin, who grew up Catholic, asks how to approach spiritual prayer after having learned that the divine is within. Maharishikaa reveals that once you train yourself to feel the Soul within, you can pray to anything you want, that the power of prayer comes as a result of deepening the connection with oneself. Prayer is no more about setting intentions. It’s about an utterance of Truth. The Maharishikaa then goes on to show Karin a method to center herself and feel the Source within, to which she can always turn to receive strength.

Maharishikaa | Replacing Neo-Advaita emptiness with Maharishikaa Fullness | Preeti Upanishad

Maharishikaa shows a Mooji follower experiencing emptiness – how to replace Neo Advaita emptiness with true Fullness. She speaks about how the Soul is experienced as ‘Fullness’ when one takes up the practice of Surrender to Soul. She warns about the dangers of contemporary Neo Advaita practices that often result in highs and lows, and depression and anxiety. She also describes the role of religion in propagating the idea of the soul being synonymous with emptiness.

Maharishikaa | Next Beings, war, future of humans | Preeti Upanishad

In an online audio satsang, Maharishikaa lifts Jagpal out of the dejection he experiences from seeing all the destruction human beings have wreaked on Mother Earth and themselves, through the violence of war.
Masterfully, she speaks about the expansion of consciousness, and the New Being – the Next being after the human to appear on earth – a being that makes radical transformation possible – in a short period of time. She describes what Jagpal himself could do, in the context of bottom up spirituality versus top down religion.

Maharishikaa | Using spirit guides? Hands-on or online healer? Protect yourself! | Preeti Upanishad

In this revealing and unraveling answer, Maharishikaa shows Mia Lockhart – new to her healing practice using spirit guides – the occult truths that underlie both hands on, as well as online energetic healing. Mia learns from the Maharishikaa how she can practically protect herself from energetic depletion, as well life saving practical knowledge about the vastly mysterious spirit world and the mechanics and dynamics of invisible energies and energetic exchange.

Join us this Sunday

Join a free audio Satsang with Maharishikaa Preeti.

The registration amount is INR 1416.00 (US$ 17.00)

If you can’t afford to pay, please feel free to use the coupon code. Please remember to click the Apply button after you have pasted the coupon code.

If you can afford to pay for the Audio Live, please do so. Your decision helps support Maharishikaa Preeti’s work in this world around us.

To know more and register