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You can make a personal Dakshinaa offering to Maharishikaa, or you can make a Daanam donation to the Foundation.


Your personal offering to the Maharishikaa

The practice of Dakshinaa grew out of the observation over the centuries, that an unmistakable correlation exists between what a seeker is ready to give (in relation to what he or she has) and his or her own capability to receive. This is a universal law.

Don’t underestimate the importance and value of Dakshinaa.

In accordance with the ancient and time-honored tradition and practice of Dakshinaa, a contribution can be made to the Maharishikaa. The contribution you make is a direct expression of your respect for the spiritual guide, and your acknowledgement of that which you receive from her.

Unlike in religious frameworks where adherents are required to pay monthly tithes, in spiritual frameworks it is the Dakshinaa given by seekers and well-wishers that directly contribute to the works of the teacher reaching more people.

Your Dakshinaa, your contribution, should be made individually, not as couples or families. You can also make a Dakshinaa in the name of your child, your parents, or any person you care deeply about, and for whom you seek blessings.

You may also sign up to make a regular monthly contribution, however modest it may be.


Your donation to the Maharishikaa’s works

In the history of spiritual knowledge being transmitted from Gurus to shishyas, many social activities for the greater good of humanity grew around the core works of spiritual masters. People who were bestowed with abundance often donated to these social causes.

Maharishikaa’s students in India and Switzerland have joined hands and registered non-profit organizations as vehicles for charitable and social initiatives which, guided by Maharishikaa’s inspirations, philosophy, ideals, and instructions are developed and implemented to reduce suffering, whilst holistically improving wellbeing.

Unique and cutting-edge prevention programs include PRESENCE Happenings – transformational training sessions designed to train attendees in Mental Fitness skills including Self-Mastery skills and the PreetiBhojanam LoveFood program where wholesome, nutritious, and protein rich food, which is ceremoniously prepared is served with love to all.

Your Daanam today will mean that we can reach more and more people, contributing to the upliftment of society, and the prosperity of current and future generations.