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35th Video Live with Maharishikaa Preeti

February 12, 2023

Receive answers to your most challenging questions!
Learn how to master yourself. Learn how to empower others. And above all, learn a process by which to tune into the Source within, to receive precise answers, and… to know… how to love.

You are warmly invited to the 35th Video Live with Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti on Sunday, February 12, 2023 from 20:30 to 22:00 IST (Indian Standard Time). [Know the time for your timezone]

To register and to receive more information, click the button below.

Looking forward to sitting together in the Live with Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti


The 35th Video Live with Maharishikaa Preeti will happen on

February 12, 2023

from 20:30 to 22:00 IST (Indian Standard Time)

Know the time for your timezone.



  • The registration amount for this Video Live is INR 8,300. The coupon code for participation without payment for this Live is only made available to those who have been in Sevaa for more than five years, and for all participants of Maharishikaa’s Surrender Bootcamp.
  • This amount charged is more than the usual amount for the audio or video lives as these funds go towards supporting the 108 free, open-to-all Satsangs that are currently taking place on the Bhaarat Dharma Yaatraa. If you can’t afford to attend this Live, please stay tuned for future Audio Lives for which coupon codes for all seekers will be made available.



  • This Live is for everyone who registers. Minimum age to attend is 18.
  • This Live will be recorded. By attending this Live online Satsang with Maharishikaa Preeti, and participating in the Live, you give us your consent to being audio and video recorded, and for said recordings to be used at the discretion of the organisers for various purposes to disseminate the teachings of Maharishikaa Preeti.

  • Audio and Video recording of the Live is not permitted. Please do not audio/video record any part of the Satsang. If you do, you will force us to refuse you permission to participate in future sessions.
  • If you have not received an email after registration, please check your spam box. Please read through the information in your Registration Confirmation email carefully, even if you have attended the Live before.

Please share this invitation with friends, family and colleagues. Many have been deeply grateful, to those who invited them.